Wednesday, January 30, 2008

A brief introduction.

Hello out there in the internet. One of the greatest things about this here internet is that it gives people with absolutely no clue as to what they are saying the ability to talk about subjects that are completely outside their understanding. This is only slightly better than basic media in so far as we are able to speak our minds without fear of the advertisers getting squeamish.

I suppose I should tell you a little bit about myself. I am a twenty-six year old Lutheran living just south of Central Ohio. I work a minimum wage job, eat minimum wage food, and by in large dream dreams of someday living beyond my means like all the other red-blooded Americans. As it stands, I am applying for all sorts of schools and trying to read all sorts of books. (I am also a Libra, but that doesn't factor into things much because I don't believe in astrology, and given my minimum-wage life, it doesn't believe in me too much either. Ergo, astrology is right out.)

Oh, right, you are probably wondering if I have a theme for my blog. Well, like a bad movie, there is no MacGuffin. Whatever pops into my brain, for better or worse, ends up on the page. You may have just started getting used to me writing about politics and then "BLAMO!" a blog post about religion. It is hard to tell, I just do and write what my brain tells me.

Oh, and if you want back issues of my blog posts, check out my MySpace page (the address is: It is quite long, so I suggest using the old cut & paste method.

Well, that is enough of an introduction. You'll get used to me in a little while. Or else the site will remain dormant, but there are plenty of unloved sites out there. (Perhaps we ought to have an adopt a site for a day program where everyone goes onto a site and drives up the numbers for one day. Then, we can dash the sites' creators' hopes against the rocky shoals of reality when their numbers disappear after a day.)

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